Friday, May 18

And a Great Sadness fell over all the Fat

Hey guys!

I miss everyone! Not to complain about a terrible day, but it kind of was a terrible day. Don't you hate how everything seems to go downhill after you get home from work?

Well, a slight gain didn't surprise me this morning, after eating dinner last night. But today was a good day, so *crossed fingers*  loss again tomorrow morning! :)

I've figured out how to see your blogs now, lol. Duh. I feel so awkward commenting when I haven't been following the storyline for all these months though. I'd love to reconnect with all of you! My posts seem kind of stiff as well, because I'm not really in the writing swing of things yet.

I started whitening my teeth today! I actually kind of had to; because of all the tea I drink, my teeth are yellowing (ugh). But I have a fake front tooth so it stays white (embarrassing!!). But my smile will be sparkling in no time :) Also I've started a Jergens self-tan lotion for the time being until I figure out where I want to tan. I've never been before so I'm a little hesitant to just march in and declare, "Teach me!!". I'm excited for that too, as long as I can afford it with all these hospital bills finally rolling in...

I'll be thin, tan, blonde(-er), and just allover beautiful when I visit my friends in my college town, and won't Dylan just be kicking himself! =]

I just realized that first I said it was a terrible day, then I said it was a good day. That irritates me, so just to clarify, the good day part was related to the around-500 I had today. ...Ok, plus 2 chocolate pieces, I was bumming alright? Still under "bare minimum" and still negative with my exercise added in. So, good day :)

So, tell me about YOUR beauty things you do to make an ex regret it :)

Enjoy your bones my long-lost loves <3

Thursday, May 17


Hi so me again...

Uhhhh what the hell?? How do I get to YOUR blogs?!

Oh also Dylan and I aren't together anymore. Dang it's been a long time.


Hi so just a quickie...

First, I forgot to tell you that instead of pescatarian, I've updated myself to full-out vegetarianism! Whoot!

Second, what's with the changes to posting stuff? I have no idea how to tag things now! Any insight from you enduring and steadfast bloggers would be suuuuper helpful to me...also I'll send a mental hug as a reward! :)


So I haven't been on since I think it was October, and not only do I have more followers now than before, but tens of thousands of page views, and, get this, y'all are still commenting for me! God I love you guys.

Being on in the first time in however long, I've noticed that I have a few more x's to add to my countdown sidebar thingy, that's pretty happy :)

Ok so get this, guys. I work for a TEA COMPANY. I can't tell you how many of the women that work there swear by the weight loss they've had since starting. I haven't lost TOO much extra just from working there, but I'll tell you what, it's a helluva lot easier to maintain, lose, or just not gain working there. Tea is the thing, girls, tea is the thing. Ask any questions you'd like about tea and I'll answer to the best of my knowledge!

Ok this isn't really a weight loss thing but it kind of is, but I also work at Petco now! It's pretty therapeutic, even being around the sassy dogs. I'm getting known as the person who's able to help calm dogs down if a groomer is working on a fidgety dogs (I work in the grooming salon). So it's kind of a weight loss thing because it can get physically demanding. Also, I'm on my feet all day at both jobs, so there's some calories burned for ya.

Oh it's just all so exciting, I'm so happy to be back!! I don't live with my mother anymore so that's fairly wonderful as well! Ooooooh my goodness though, I do have alot of catching up to do with all of you...sorry I haven't been supporting you like I should have been! K well I have some reading to do, so I'll type at you tomorrow :)

Hugs and kisses! <3