Friday, January 28

50 Hours Strong

Alrite, 50 hours without eating. Whoot! The only problem is, I've done all the cleaning and laundry and homework, now I'm sitting here at home with nobody here watching...I COULD just take a bite of a fruit bar and throw the rest away...but that would be CHEATING! Also, I've been looking at thinspo for the last and I am FREAKING THE HELL OUT about how fat I am, not to mention how much that one bite could cost me. Especially by fasting the last two days and eating a max of 300 cals per day before that (with the major exception of my sweets binge on Wednesday), my metabolism has to be slower than slugs right now. That one bite could make the last 50 hours all for naught. It also could lead to more bites. (Omfg.) Like I said, being home all this weekend is going to be a huge challenge for me. I have no food of my own to eat, and of course I'd never eat my roommate's, but there's this ziplock bag of fruit bars and 1 cookie that's neutral ground. I want to eat it so bad but I'm so fucking afraid to even think of it, lest it add to my Fatty McMoocow-ness. Time to go for more water! Here's some thinspo for us all. The theme is beautiful, beautiful collarbones!:

Bones are Beautiful. <3

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