Saturday, January 29

The Ana Boot Camp Diet - Remember Your ABCD's!

Hello all,

I've actually changed my mind from a few minutes ago to start this today, as I am breaking my fast as we speak. (Or as I type, or whatever.) When coming off a fast or eating a low-cal diet (this is for everyone), I HIGHLY recommend Idahoan Potatoes' single-serve flavored mashed instant potatoes. I know, instant potatoes sound gross, right, not to mention bad for you? Consider this: each single serve packet is only 110 cals. Split it into two servings and you're good to go! Also, they are incredibly flavorful after not eating for awhile, which works great for us Ana's because the longer you go without eating, the less you can taste. It's like over-eating backwards.

Whoo-hoo! Also just ordered my free 30-day trial of Avesil, which is supposed to reduce appetite and increase metabolism. Only about $4 in s&h. Here's the link if you're interested - reviews on a 3rd-party site as well!

Ok. Now the real reason for this post. There are many slight variations on the ABC diet out there, so I picked the one that was the most consistant. That being said, roundabouts week 5 they all become very different, so I just picked this one because it's beautifully laid out for us by the people that don't want us doing it. Go figure. Here's the link! Make sure you check out the comments too; they're all great, except for "Annunvusai", who just makes me laugh for so many reasons. Now some thinspirational pix to keep us all motivated!! I love the before's and after's!!

This one is one of my fav thinspo pix of all time. It always reminds me of Dr. Seuss's question, "Would you rather be a skinny or a fat?"

Remember, pretties. Bones are Beautiful. <3


Alrite, today's calories were:
'Tatoes: 110
Fat-Free Activia Yogurt: 70

Total (so far): 180

I'm going out tonight with a few friends. It's a bit of a walk from the bus stop, so that should help burn. I'm bringing the alc, so I'll be pissed if everyone drinks it all away, but I'm going to pretend to drink alot more of that liquid fat than I actually will. I'm also bringing some Cheez-its and Ritz, which I'll mostly stay away from but it's ok if I have a few, because I have 500-180 == 320 cals to work with left today on the ABC diet. Wish me luck!

Keep bringin' out the beautiful bones. <3


  1. Heeeey! Im on the ABC as well day 3 and Ive lost 3lbs. Are those before and after photos from the ABC diet? Where did you find theeem if you dont mind me asking? Im just in need of some motivational stuff like that to get me through this!! Hope youre doing well xxxx

  2. Do u happen to hav any before pictures of ACTUAL fat people???? I am nearly 300 lbs....the girls on the site are.bonkers if they think they are fat. I use to weight 150 or less before i had kids and now i can not seem to lose weight. I have tried everything and now i am thinking of doing some extreme diet.
