Wednesday, February 16

BMI: 22


Weighed myself in yesterday, at 131...that's UP!! Okay, definitely no more "weekends away" because they always end up being a train wreck! Today I had lost a pound though so hopefully on my way to a better weight by Saturday...ugh. Big job ahead of me, time to put my nose to the grindstone! No more fooling around, no more binges, no more "oh, I'll have just 1, can't be that many calories, I'm with friends so it doesn't count"! Need to crack down. NOW.

Oh. I suppose I should admit that Sunday night I had the munchies like crazy from vaping weed; ate half a 12-inch deep-dish pizza. Soooo gross.

But, I've been chugging coffee and green tea and that 3 Ballerina Tea Dieter's Drink or whatever it's called (got the idea from Sofia over at Gonna Be Skinny, Coming?) That Ballerina Tea really works, or at least does something. I drink 2 cups of that a day, and the next day it's like I've taken diarrhetics (sp?), except it's not as urgent, lasts longer, and (in my opinion anyway) gets more out. So maybe not everyone's ideal, but I'd recommend it.

Oh, and remember that Avesil I ordered a free trial of a few posts back? Well, $90 later...grrRRR. I should've known better, I was just excited to try something that might have an effect for free. Called them today, can't get any of my money back. I don't think the stuff even works anyway, I'm pretty sure all they are is caffeine pills. Which I can buy OTC for like $10. Not $90. I also got a free trial of Sensa, but now I'm afraid to open the box because of what happened with the Avesil. I think I can just send it back before the trial runs out, but then that's s&h money wasted both ways, which I can't afford after that stupid Avesil gimmick. Grr.

Weather's really nice here though, and there's been protests going on at the nearby capitol, so that's how I've been getting my exercise for a few days. Sorry everyone, though, that I haven't posted in awhile! I promise that I've read all of everyone else's new posts though. I've just said "though" twice in as many sentences. I was going to change it but I couldn't think of another way/was too lazy to think of another way though. :-)

Mmmmkay, I think I will post friend-themed pix because I've been feeling closer to my friends lately, and that's really a lifesaver for me.

Stay lovely, stay strong, stay beautifully boney. <3

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