Sunday, April 10

RIDICULOUSly Long Weekend Post

Okay, happiness first!

Hello to my 3 newest followers: matrunner, Little Jo, and Amelia! matrunner and Amelia (and indeed, anybody I've missed - supersorry!!!), if you have blogs that you'd like me to follow, I'd love to, only I can't see them! So just comment or email or something. :)

Thanks for all the well-wishes on my last post, I have to say they really made my day when I got back home and read them! (And, as you'll soon see, I reeeally really needed it...)

And I don't do this often enough, but:
Vasilikie: LOL that is the greatest tip ever! haha And it's one of those great ones that once you use it, you don't have to worry about accidentally reusing it, it's always good. :)
Thin_Envy: Thanks, I might consider using that - is there diff kinds or just one? Have you ever tried Slimquick? And, I'm somewhere between 5'3" and 5'4", I usually just say 5'3" because then my BMI is higher and the "suggested cals per day" is lower. I think I'm actually closer to 5'4" tho...?

And, down to business.

Friday evening:
Went out with the boy, I did so well! Maybe 3/4 cup steamed brocco at most, and 1/2 the burger, to bring a total of about 420 (minus all that running!) for the day. Afterwards we went and smoked SO. MANY. JOINTS. It was ridiculous. We shared one on the way to his dorm, then shared another...2 I think with 3 of his friends. But they were drunk so Dylan, me, and the other girl there shared most of it. I don't get very high or very easily, which sounds nice but I still get the munchies. And I get super-tired after. But don't worry I didn't eat anything, we just walked all over the damned place (more cals burned whoop!)

Dylan did stay the night over, which was nice (didn't break the ban! No worries!!) because then we didn't even leave my place till after lunchtime-ish. We went to eat then and I went to class and etc etc, had to run to get to the leaving place on time for the thing this weekend (whoaa, suddenly just lost all interest in finishing this train of thought, wtf?). Anyway, before that, my total was at most 400-420. I could tell that Friday was a definite loss day. You know the days when you feel so super slim and you weigh in and lose like 3-4 lbs? Yeah, that was Friday.

Then we left and the shit started goin' down.

At every turn, it was like, okay, we've been sitting here for like 2 hours, time for another full meal! And it was always, hey, anybody up for an ice cream bar? Here, have a chocolate! Are you sure that's enough? And the meals, good god, just awful. I'd sit down with, you know, an already ridiculous amount of just fruits and veggies, and they'd shove rolls on my plate and say, grr, just all those things they say, you know? Sorry for saying "you know" so much. It's just...ugh. You know. And the chef was offended that I wasn't eating more and the other girls kind of freaked out that I wasn't eating as much as them and made a big deal out of it and our group leader took me aside and talked to me (HOW humiliating!) and everyone was asking if I was ok and didn't I like it? Wasn't I having fun? What's wrong what's wrong what's wrong?


So I ate.


I tried to keep track as best I could. I think I was around 1000 for Friday...not even going to venture a guess for Saturday or today. Not eating anything else today, that's for damn sure. I'm so scared for the weekly April Challenge weigh-in tomorrow, I know that I've gained. I'll be the only one to gain, I know it, and I'll have gained like another 4 pounds and everyone will see and be like, wow, why is she in this challenge, what a fuck-up. I know that no one will actually say that, obvz. But someone will be thinking it. I know I will. I'll die of embarrassment. Do I have to post if I've gained? Can I just say, "I've gained, I'm shit, next week," and be done with it?

So I promised myself and Olivia Lee that I'd run 5 miles today to make up for it. (Won't make up for it.)(But I'll try anyway.) Also I took some laxies so maybe that will help get it out of my system, as I haven't had much luck, um, moving it along so far, so it's mostly all still in there. So I'm just studying (as you can see, ha) and waiting for my laundry to be finito then I'm heading out, thunderstorm or not.

So, that was my weekend in a nutshell. Nutshell-ish. A single post at least. I wonder how big of a nutshell people mean when they say that? Is it bigger than an acorn cap, or would an acorn cap be more appropriate in this case? Okay now I'm just being ridiculous, and I'm pretty sure that's the 3rd time I've used that adjective in this post. That's my cue to stfu.

Oh! Okay 1 more thing, This weekend while we were supposed to be having an independent Bible study, I accidentally ran across a few good foody-starving-hunger-type verses, I'll post them. Mostly for me, because I don't know which of you lovelies (if any) are Christian or religious or anything. But maybe you can still use them anyways?

Ok I'm done I'm done I'm done! Post title...hmm...oh, I've GOT it. :D

Sorry no thinspo today girls, I have to ACTUALLY study for my exam this week. (If possible, please fly out and shoot me first. I'll pay for your plane ticket.)

Loves and skinnies and beauties and happies to you all!!
Bones are beautiful <3

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