Monday, April 11


So, I'm glad I didn't gain *tootoo* much from this weekend's forced eating. But I was so down on Friday! Was the stability worth it? Hm.

Hello new follower Aye Ell! Maybe I'm just ignorant, but is there some connection between EDs and the name El or Ell or Ellie? Like Ana/Mia but for something else? Maybe it's just a really pretty name people like.

Posting on the April Challenge board will suck. But not too much, because that means for next week there will be a super loss, right?! This morning, I am:

126.8 (0.5 lbs up from last Monday. sad face.)

I ran 5 miles without stopping this morning. Longest I've ever run without stopping (or, probably ever in general). So I'm super happy about that. Intake is great today:

2 apples: 160
1 cigarette
...oh wait, that's it. :)

And super-high energy, must be from my morning run. Or restarting my Avesil and Slimquick intake. I've never taken both at once before because I didn't want to waste them (expensive...!) but oh well, need it this week to get off this gosh darn plateau.

SO. I have a PLAN for this week and I'm going to STICK TO IT and it will be AWESOME. (It's always easiest to stick to plans and do well right after abnormally high intakes. But I swear to God this will last!) I'll leave out the boring academic parts and stuff. But they're on my list here, which I took the liberty of printing out even. Can't break the rules if it cost paper and ink and it's set in stone like that, right? Right-os.

*[I totally understand if you want to skip this next part, might bore if you want, you can skip to the next set of brackets]*

Monday (today!): Run 5 miles in the morning (done), run 2 miles after choir (soon's I'm done here), raw foods and liquids (loose rules) only, less than 500 cals for the day.

Tuesday: Run 2 miles before classes, liquid fast (loose rules), less than 350 cals for the day, 1 fruit allowed (I have an exam)

Wednesday: Run 2 miles before classes, raw foods and liquids (medium strict rules) only, less than 400 cals for the day

Thursday: Workout and run at least 2 miles after psych, less than 500 cals for the day (major psych presentation, will need brain food!)

Then I have diff rules for Friday-Sunday depending on whether I go home this weekend or not. (I really hope to goodness that I'm not boring you with all this! But it does help me too, because then it's even more set in stone and I'll have to face you-all and fess up if I fail). Here's if I stay here:

Friday: Workout and run at least 2 miles after choir, liquid fast (medium-high strict rules), less than 300 cals for the day

Saturday: Workout and run at least 2 miles, water/tea fast, less than 100 cals for the day

Sunday: liquid fast (medium strict rules), workout and run at least 4 miles, less than 350 cals for the day

Aaaaand, here's if I go home:

Friday: Fit in workout and 3-mile run wherever possible, water/tea fast during the day with less than 100 cals while here,  raw foods and liquids (loose-medium strict rules) once home

Saturday: do abso best to go to home gym for as long as humanly possible, abso lowest cal count possible, if weather is nice go biking

Sunday: abso lowest cal count possible at home, zero-cal water/tea fast once back at school, workout and run at least 5 miles

*[Okay here's the second set. Congrats if you made it this far! lol]*

Last but def not least, The Unbreakable Over-Arching Rules of This Week:
1. If I go over in cals (by 15+), I run an extra 1/2 mile in the next possible run.
2. Alcohol in moderation (3 "drink" max) on Thurs/Fri but not both.
3. No mixing weed and alcohol, but may do both on separate nights. Watch for muncies!!
4. May need to go shopping - buy food for this week only!
5. Start taking Slimquick and Avesil again.
6. At least 1 cup caffeinated coffee per day, and at least 50 oz of water or decaf/no-cal drinks.
***7. Food is the enemy; destroy it, not yourself! Every time I start binging, food gets thrown away, starting witht the noodle bowls! Cheese is next! Followed by anything else not on this week's menu!!

Alright, I should be done now. If any of you guys have any concerns about "hey, there's this loophole you might slip through and fuck up, fix it!" or "hey you missed something in your plan here" or any other comments or questions or anything at all, please leave a comment or email me or something alright?

I'm sooo sorry for the long posts recently and also that they lack the reward of lots of thinspo! I need to start getting my thinspo off my comp and onto a USB or something, I have so much it's slowing this machine down! But here's a few:

Found this yesterday on Facebook - my friend is actually the bigger girl here. It kind of sucks to see her so big. But I'm gonna be tinyyyyyy like the other girl here next time we meet!
Stay skinny and strong and most importantly, HAPPY <3
Bones are beautiful <3

So maybe I should say what my various levels of liquid-fasting mean?

Loose rules = applesauce, yogurt, soup with chunks, smoothies, caloried/flavored water, caloried coffee drinks, etc count
Loose-Medium Strict rules = everything above but chunky soup (other soup ok tho) and smoothies
Medium Strict rules = everything directly above but applesauce and yogurt
Medium-High Strict rules = everything directly above but soup
...and of course anything above that is just the water/tea/no-cal drinks liquid fast


  1. I'm not aware of any connection between "ell" and EDs, I just didn't feel like making up a name on here but also didn't want to put my real name so I went with my initials (which have changed since I got married but my initials now don't sound as nice) in word form. I think it actually looks like kind of a cool name though when it's spelled out.

    Good luck with your plan. I gave up weed about a year ago (tho I miss it ALL THE TIME) because I was eating WAY TOO MUCH. Which totally sucked because when I first started smoking I never got the munchies but then all of a sudden, I did every time I smoked and I gained a lot of weight. So it had to go. I've thought about trying it again, but it was so hard to stop the first time I'm worried I will be smoking (and worse: EATING) like I was back then. So for now, I will just sit back and envy those of you who do. Haha.

  2. Hey, i just read your plan!! I think its absolutely brilliant and you'll make great progress with it!!

  3. gah I love your blog! & I love cigs (: they take away hunger cravings in a snap! But great work planning out your well.. plan haha! You're gonna lose so much weight! I need to come up with a plan for myself soon! xo A
