Tuesday, April 5

Terror in the Night

I had a nightmare last night, hence the reason for the title. That actually has nothing to do with anything but I thought it would be exciting to have a post named that.
Mmm, kind of. :)

Bad news - I am UP 0.4 lbs today to


Still haven't decided if it's due to the fact that I'm building muscle but haven't yet lost the fat (coz of my high intakes recently), or ...just coz of my high intakes recently. Either way, blehhhh. :(

Made an emergency decision this morning to liquid fast today, loose-ish rules coz I'm coming off such high intakes. May decide to continue it thru tomorrow, we'll see! Intake so far today:

Activia yogurt: 70
Greek yogurt: 120 (it's been in my freezer forever, if I buy more they'll be the lower-cal ones)
tomato soup: 87

Plan is to workout as soon as my Tuesday workout buddy gets back to me...if she doesn't in 16 mins, I'm just leaving. She doesn't want to run much anyways, which brings me to my new long-termish-type goal:

From Monday-Monday, I need to be averaging a 1.5-mile run everyday. Yesterday I ran 3, so I'm still ahead of the game as long as I run at all today, but who knows if there'll be a day I won't be able to? (There will be 1-2 like that this weekend; I have an out-of-town church conference thing, so not on Saturday and not on Friday unless I get up mega-early...ugh...So, this week's mile count might be a bit low).

Dylan and I are hanging out tonight, which makes me a bit nervous for the whole "no-nakedness" motivation I've got going on. To make it worse, right now, I'm potentially very close to the highest I've been since we started dating. Does not make for a comfortable mix.

Okay well, I texted my workout buddy nearly 20 mins ago, she's got less than 10 before I leave. Oh, just you know I'm not being a complete bee-atch about waiting: Dylan and I are hanging at 9, and the gym is at least a 30-min round-trip walk, and I would really reeeeally like to shower before seeing him, so that kind of puts me on a tighter schedule than her. Also, I was supposed to get some studying done after the workout, but the workout wasn't even supposed to be this late in the first place, so we'll see if that gets done...

Oh well, that'll give me an excuse to not spend the night with the boy, I guess. Silver linings, girls, silver linings. :)

Hey, that would've made a great title.

K well, looks like I'm leaving for the gym on my own! That's ok tho, I think I might actually feel a bit more comfortable that way and I can go at my own pace. More silver linings!!

Haha ok really leaving now, love you all!
Bones are beautiful <3

So my friend never came to the gym :( But that's ok, I ran more than she would have if she were there! I just don't like doing my arms in the weight room by myself, probably coz it's my least fave. Running and lower half are good alone tho. :)

Some of you might condemn me for this, but I decided to get some cigs just in case I have the munchies. When I went to Dylan's that one weekend, I took a few puffs from his friend's cig and it immediately quished my drunk munchies. So, since I usually wanna binge after working out (actually, after the walking home; there exists an entire subculture of food between the gym and my apartment) I smoked 1/2 a one when I got home. I still had another tomato soup (+87 for a total of 364), but I'm not hungry at all and I'm not tempted to binge at all either! Don't worry though, I'll mostly only be using them for food emergencies kay?

Alrite, I stink like gym and smokes, so a shower's a must before I meet up with Dylan! Eek! :)


  1. You're intake sounds really good! Have fun with your boy.
    Stay strong:)
    xo Skylar

  2. Cigarettes are a secret love of mine. I love that they squish cravings and provide such a clear sort of high. However my limited access keeps me from forming any sort of habit so no judgement here. (: Good job on the intake, liquid fast will probably help get off that platue (Ok so I can't remember how to spell that. Just a guess haha) Stay strong and keep using your boyfriend as motivation, sounds like a good idea. Sorry for writing a novel.
    Skinny Love,

  3. mmmm skinny girl! We did so well today. I had an activia with fruit for dessert. my fast ended at 8pm because of study time. Thursday I may do the same thing. no judging on the cigs, made me kind of want to try. :D

  4. not that puffy now, thanks. (: you did great today! and no hating on the cigs, starting my day with one really helps limit the intake. haha. hope you had fun with the boy. <3 stay lovely.

  5. Don't hate the cigs :P They're a blessing in desguise!! I get through loads throughout the day! They curb hunger so well!
    Sounds like you're doing great hun, and motivated. Keep it up :D
    Hope you've had a good night with the boy!! Try not to worry about feeling uncomfortable. He clearly doesn't care, it's you, not your image!!
    Much love,
    El xox
